6 Pillar Industries
Advanced Manufacturing applies to related industries below

The Park aims to proactively accelerate cutting edge innovation and technology in the market for the benefit of the people through:

To continuously nurture and cultivate I&T talent throughout the innovation and technology value chain, empowering them to thrive and accelerate innovation and technology development in Hong Kong.
To provide an agile environment for new technology development, testing and adoption
To nurture the world's leading research institutes and innovation and technology enterprises in the Park, which in turn contributes to Hong Kong's innovation and technology development and enables Hong Kong to become globally renowned in innovation and technology
To connect research institutes and enterprises with the Mainland and overseas countries, as well as enable deeper collaboration on innovation and technology and economic development within the GBA
To drive ideation as well as inter-disciplinary and cross-institutional applied research between a network of brains across academia, research institute, industry, government and society
To continuously nurture and cultivate I&T talent throughout the innovation and technology value chain, empowering them to thrive and accelerate innovation and technology development in Hong Kong.
To provide an agile environment for new technology development, testing and adoption